
Showing posts from August, 2020

Little Women- movie review

 "I've had lots of troubles, so I write jolly tales." LOUISA MAY ALCOTT Louisa was the author of the book 'Little women'. I read this book when I was young. And its now that I watched its movie adaptation. I had enjoyed reading the book then.  I watched the movie with smiles and amusement.  The movie started and ended with the scene between Jo and the publisher. I absolutely loved their scenes.  The publisher advises Jo regarding writing, "If the main character is a girl, make sure she is married by the end or dead, either way".  Its funny how being married and dead is mentioned in the same sentence.  The movie is filled with strong headed women. Little women. And there is nothing sexier than a woman with conviction.  I would say give it a watch!

'Bench' on a Saturday

 Its another Saturday. The day is all fog. Raining intermittently.  Just finished watching 'Bench'. This is a short film made by Usman Mukhtar. Its short. Thought provoking. The interpretation could be based on what the viewer's experiences have been. Its there on International Film Festival of South Asia and will be there for next 23 hours only.  Here is the link: Go watch it!