
Showing posts from June, 2013

An interview with a prominent person

Meet Awais, aka Pachi. He was born in 2005, September 5th. He is staying at our place for two days. His father gave him a pocket money of hundred rupees. So tomorrow we are going to have halwa puri with it. Here is  a glimpse of a little chat with him. What do you want to do as a career? Become a doctor. Why? Because my father is a doctor. Favourite subject?  English. Why? Because the Sindhi, Maths teachers are strict. Favourite food? Biryani. Why? Its good! Favourite sports? Friv games (computer game). Is it important to say the truth? Yes. Why? If we say the truth, our sins will decrease. What are sins? Its a very khatarnak thing. Because those insaan will go to hell. The best thing about Karachi? The scooty at my cousins place. Your message for people? None. Are you enjoying in Karachi? No Why? Because I dont know how to enjoy.

Short story 1

Ameena felt horrible. It had been a bad day. She had tried so hard. Prayed so often. But then fate. Fate has its ways. The rehearsal had been so long. She had practiced so many times. She had dreamed of being the winner. Getting that prize. It had meant so much to her. She felt sad. Her eyes burnt after crying so much. It was a hot day. She continued to walk. It seems long, when you have so much to think. Such sad notes. After months of practicing, it was her turn to perform. She had seen all of them. All those faces. She started well. But then forgot. Her turn was lost. She was not the winner was all she remembered. She didn't say much but mom knew. She didn't need words. She took small steps towards her room. Threw her bag. Locked the door and cried hard. "Allah doesn't love me", she thought among sobs. "I tried so hard". It was all miserable. Her headache and tears took her to sleep. She woke at the noise of Bhai knocking on the door. "Lets g

Day five, Holiday!

Here are the picture moments of today. I learned a new recipe of baked potatoes from stumble upon.

Day four, Holiday!

This heat, its like being on a slow simmer. Its day four of my holiday. The routine almost the same as yesterday. The changes: 1. I walked for twenty minutes today. "I ll add five minutes extra everyday", I told Fozia (my younger sister), who had earlier refused to join my lonely walk club. "Before you know it you'd be walking all day", she gave her tabsera. 2. I bought this huge bowl with flowers on the exterior and all yellow on the interior. 3. Arif and the bowl (picture added). Just a little request, as you enjoy the yummy mangoes this season, remember to share it with those who cant afford it. Multiply your happiness. Share your blessings.

Day three, Holiday!

Its holiday. Finally. For a total of sixteen days. Two days gone.  Third underway.  Lucky morning I wake up relatively early for a holiday. I enjoy morinngs. After making nashta and fixing lunch for Baba I with a cup of tea, settle in front of the computer. I try finding my unfinished synopsis file. It isnt there. Its evaporated, I finally bring myself to belief. I ask Arif (my brother) for technical help. He has none. He comes up with emotional one. "Everything has a silver lining!", he tells me. "I 'll make a better synopsis this time around then", I console myself. "No but a loss is a loss", Arif just has to continue. I type '' and listen to a new song, 'Sanwar loooooooon, sanwar looooooooon'. It sounds beautiful.  Of hot afternoons I tell Ami that I wont be makin lunches, only dinners. Its twelve thirty noon, and I still see no signs of lunch. I break my own rule. Cook. Then these hot afternoons are for sl


I just completed reading my brother's blog. He has such fine writing skills and the flow is amazing. I wish a had a bit of the same talent. But life is about making the most of what you have. Today was a nice day. Started with an interesting session. Session where there is sugar free tea. A cup during the session. Another to take away. Its an amazing act as I balance myself out of the seminar room and rush towards the clinic. Small bag, large bag. Cup filled with tea. Dripping dropping. And then my fruit tiffin. Balancely balanced.