Day three, Holiday!

Its holiday. Finally. For a total of sixteen days. Two days gone.  Third underway. 

Lucky morning

I wake up relatively early for a holiday. I enjoy morinngs. After making nashta and fixing lunch for Baba I with a cup of tea, settle in front of the computer. I try finding my unfinished synopsis file. It isnt there. Its evaporated, I finally bring myself to belief. I ask Arif (my brother) for technical help. He has none. He comes up with emotional one. "Everything has a silver lining!", he tells me. "I 'll make a better synopsis this time around then", I console myself. "No but a loss is a loss", Arif just has to continue. I type '' and listen to a new song, 'Sanwar loooooooon, sanwar looooooooon'. It sounds beautiful. 

Of hot afternoons

I tell Ami that I wont be makin lunches, only dinners. Its twelve thirty noon, and I still see no signs of lunch. I break my own rule. Cook. Then these hot afternoons are for sleeping. So, oh well. 

Breezy cool evenings

No it was not breezy. I stared at the static leaves. They stared back. Its one of these evenings that tell you, some time soon its going to rain. I dump the idea of sitting in my majestic garden and come back in the room. I turn the AC on and the power goes off. I continue my synopsis work. 

Chota returns

Its seven pm and Arif returns from work. I ask him, when he is going to start my driving lessons? "Make some tea, or coffee and we shall leave", he answers. I dont feel one bit like making tea, I boil water and pour the last packet of the fancy frothy coffee. I sprinkle the choco granules on top (yup, the sachet has a little pack of that attached as well, fancy I told you). And we leave. The roads to the driving ground have changed. Its lumpy and bumpy. We finally reach. There is a team of boys, skinny, without shirts playing football. Arif does not agree to their dress code and starts to grumble. I ask him to look otherwise. I start driving. People outside look a little scared. Oh well. 

Master Chef

The sister now makes her promised dinner. Keema pulao , raita and salad. I thouroughly enjoy the process. I win the prize of master chef. For one simple reason. Zero competition. 
Enjoy the salad pic, people.

The fifteen minutes

Before I turn into a fat cow, I decide to take a walk. I set the timer to fifteen minutes. I walk and walk on the rooftop, but the fifteen minutes seem like forever. 
But they finally end. Like every thing should. I return and turn on the AC. The light doesn't go off. I fix green tea and sip away. 

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