Short story 1
After months of practicing, it was her turn to perform. She had seen all of them. All those faces. She started well. But then forgot. Her turn was lost. She was not the winner was all she remembered.
She didn't say much but mom knew. She didn't need words. She took small steps towards her room. Threw her bag. Locked the door and cried hard. "Allah doesn't love me", she thought among sobs. "I tried so hard". It was all miserable. Her headache and tears took her to sleep.
She woke at the noise of Bhai knocking on the door. "Lets go", he said. It was always so fun with Bhai. She forgot her tears, her headache, and they played in the park till the sunset. On return, Aba was also on his way back. He smiled when he saw her. "I lost,
Aba", she told him. "Its ok", Aba continued to smile. Ami bought tea and they munched away the samosas Aba had bought.
It was bed time as she thought about the people who loved her. Who didn't care whether she lost or won. "Of course Allah loves me!", she thought, and smiled away.