Waar and Atrium

My sister is getting married. By book she is in mayoun. But the other sister plans otherwise. We plan to enjoy each day of her bachelor life. So yesterday I went to atrium and bought tickets for 'waar'. The brand new Pakistani movie. When my father came to know that we plan for this movie, he said that be careful, there could be a terrorist attack. My mom carefully calculated that the movie is showing since Eid, hence no chance of an attack.
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The show was to start at 1830 hours.
Prior to entering the cinema B met Saima Kamal, Ainan and Maryam.
Got some popcorns and coke. Next time no coke from here. The popcorn was good. Salty and caramel. You should mix the two as too much of the caramel leads to a nauseaus feeling. The tea was to my liking. If shared a cup is enough for three.
The movie itself was pretty good. Very slick.

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