As the year ends……

Yes , so its finally happening!

Its that time of the year when people start to get sarcastic.”I’m gonna sleep tonight and wake up after one whole year!”.

Anyways, for the docs working at AKUH, its been a tough year.Specially for us, year twos.An year of fourteen months.Before even autumn could come , our residents started to shed.It started with Mohsin, then it was Asad, then Naeem,  followed by Mohkum and eventually Saima Mangi.We had ‘fauji’ training the year round. Fourteen months were easily divided into five months of oncology, five months of  gastroentrology, two months of Neurologly, one month of pulmo and another month of ICU.

We had ‘fauji’ training the year round

And now , lets welcome third year!

Third year…………….

New team……….what team, myself and an intern………… intern who doesn’t know the system.Has no pager, and by the time he has one , wont know how to operate it…..

And then the attendings…

The rush calls, what would we do in them …

The morning meetings, ….sitting in front seats, acting to know everything….

But with all this mayhem, we hope to return triumphant, learn, teach,

With this I finish ( I mean, this post finishes)!

Next post comes up after an year………………….

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