Prior to the conference

Its 8 am as I write. I am here to attend a conference. The starting time was 8 am. However they decided to change the time by an hour without me knowing. So, here I am, scribbling and not really knowing what to do for the next hour.
There is some breakfast being set prior to the conference. I gave it a scan and saw whats in store. Little little club sandwiches and the swollen muffins. Vanilla and chocolate. 'I shall taste them today', I thought to myself. 'I d never spend money buying them from the cafe otherwise'.

People have started to trickle in by now . From where I sit, on the stairs, I can see a pair. The girl is an explosion of colors. The boys is wearing orange shirt and black pants. They continue to devour nashta as I write.
Good morning it is!

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