Thanks guys!
It was later that I learnt how to sprinkle in videos . Three thousand views! Yaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!! What seemed like a dream once has become a reality now! I would recommend that as you read the post continue playing the above you tube piano piece. So coming back to the three thousand views. Probably a thousand are mine, but you guys have made the other two thousand ones possible and all of you deserve a big thankyou!!!!! How it began... It all started when my brother made the blog for me, designed it and named it. I chose the pink background. I started very simple and my initial posts are still my favourite e.g., A fairy tale; Valentines, what, where. The post that I hate most is Eclipsing. Its just useless. My brother asked me to remove it if I donot like it, but I won't as I did spend my precious time on it. The technical bit. Initially I used to add pictures. It was later that I learnt how to sprinkle in videos....