Thanks guys!

It was later that I learnt how to sprinkle in videos.

Three thousand views! Yaaaaaaaahoooooooooooooo!!!!!!!

What seemed like a dream once has become a reality now! I would recommend that as you read the post continue playing the above you tube piano piece.
So coming back to the three thousand views. Probably a thousand are mine, but you guys have made the other two thousand ones possible and all of you deserve a big thankyou!!!!!

How it began...

It all started when my brother made the blog for me, designed it and named it. I chose the pink background. I started very simple and my initial posts are still my favourite e.g., A fairy tale; Valentines, what, where. The post that I hate most is Eclipsing. Its just useless. My brother asked me to remove it if I donot like it, but I won't as I did spend my precious time on it.

The technical bit.

Initially I used to add pictures. It was later that I learnt how to sprinkle in videos. At times the songs were absolutely out of place. I was usually listening to the numbers while typing the post. There would be some very serious discussion going on in the post and in came the song. But the problem was that I also seriously liked the songs!

Promotion it is

In the start whenever I used to promote my blog, Seema used to shake her head horizontally and smile to herself, but later she just let me be. Just recently my brother also made these little advertisement papers, the size of our NICs, which I distributed to all possible. I guess that gimmick added a few views. By the way I also have a fan page on facebook zarka speaks. Do visit and become a fan. That way my posts will haunt you the minute they are posted.
A lot of people wonder how I get the time to write. But I just love it. This blog is like my baby and by the end of a few months it will be an year old! A lot of people want me to write revolutionary pieces. To write how bad our country is. Yes bad it is, but its the only one we've got. If its bad we have to make it likeable. Its us who can change. And you do not need huge changes. Just simple plain honesty.
Till then I ll write whatever fancies me. My castle, my rules!

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