Rebel ?

Once upon a time, while in ICU, I had a rough call (nothing unusual, as my friends know I have a cloud). Dr Saeed then commented,  "Enjoy your calls, you won't do them all life!". But while in cardiology night cover, as I do alternate calls, it seems like a lifetime. The whole rotation is crazy.
The whole country seems to be going crazy as well. The other day Saima was very upset and wanted me to write about all the injustices. Interestingly, I read in the newspaper that in a country far away from ours someone wrote freely on his blog and is now detained for an year of education. Interesting.

I being a blogger feel that its my responsibility that I donot sadden my readers. I've seen people smile while reading my posts and I just love that. This is how the world is. Good and bad. Concentrate on the good. Forget the bad. But is that like digging your head in the sand .... like an ostrich........
But then, could we make a difference..... could we..... do we want to?! Yes things are bad like never before. But the country has beared difficulties before. After every dark dark night comes a beautiful dawn!
As we hope for it, lets just do our part. Lets be honest in whatever we do. My father says that doing your job that you are assigned appropriately is Ibadat in itself. And if everybody does that there will be no injustice. Lets not break rules. Lets not break a single signal. Lets not throw out a single wrapper out of our car. Lets do it for we love our country. For once just believe that its us who could make a difference.....
Believe me changes will come.

I ll leave you with this beautiful number...

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