Last Call!

Its Sunday, I get ready for my call, arrange food in my tiffin for the tough day ahead.As I head for the hospital ,the rest of the city seems to be asleep.I gather my energy and tell myself, its ok, its the last call in oncology!

Almost five months, and it definitely does not seem like yesterday!


It all started with wing (private wing).One month there.I was blessed with the luxury of an intern,whose claim to fame was that he’d gotten married the previous month.An elderly lady, with metastatic carcinoma of ovary was admitted for management of gastroenteritis.Once done with history the patient said, “Doctor, all I want is some HIV drips and an early discharge tomorrow!”.

My jaw almost dropped to the floor.”Oh sorry doc, I meant to say IV drips”, she gave a sheepish smile.

That month eventually passed smoothly.

The chiefs then forgot to displace me for the next three months

Subsequently followed by a gap of five months I again landed in oncology, but this time around it was floor.A full team here.


The chiefs then forgot to displace me for the next three months.Almost all these ninety day I could be seen in the D2 computer room , doing what I do best, sip away tea.

But of course ,I did some hard work here and there.

Done with three months, and lots of tea in my circulation I then rotated in Pulmonology (oncology had gotten sick of me and vice versa!).Pulmonology was a joy ride, a visit to Disney Land, Orlando!

Back after the fun, more fun awaited in this last month (fifth month,to be exact).First day, Dr Azmina saw me rounding with Dr Salman Adil and was surprised.No explanation was needed.

All these rotations we had been blessed with the finest of interns, currently Aftab.Almost a ‘Cheetah’ in his work.I never got to do a call with him,because Hussain said that I was to good to have an intern (or is it the other way round).

And now, the farewell call.Nothing interesting happened.The usual stuff, patients desaturating together, attendents making a riot for early discharges,intubations , and yes the completion of follow ups.

I guess you could call this a happy ending…….I’ll miss oncology team,D2 staff,the patients , the attendings……………….

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