Absolutely random

 Lets get back to old school blogging. Lets come back to have a chat. 

I spent around 2 hours both ways (total 4 hours) via public transport to give an interview. It was cold and it was raining. I reached one hour early. Yes am that type of person. The chai latte comforted me. The travel both ways added to the calm even further. 

As I age, interview replies are getting more and more philosophical. Almost abstract. As I answer, what seems like a well crafted story in my head, I amuse myself with the thought that the panel does seem interested. 

The black cat sits next to me. All comfortable. Last night when it came to me and leaned, in her I could feel the daughter I never had. That moment felt so peaceful. So complete. 

Being 42 has made me fall in love with cats. They are so loving and at the same time have such clear boundaries. After a while of patting, they want their own space. I love their royalty. Its amazing how emotionally aware they are. In my moments of feeling sad and lonely, they would come and both would be gone. Sadness and loneliness. 

My tired mind reflects about today and is plain grateful. For the day that went past, the conversations and the silences, the coffee and the chais and everything in between. 

Its time to curl, shut the crazy mind and sleep. 

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