Good bye Ramadan

Ramadan comes to a close. A month which was tough but absolutely wonderful. Here is a brief look at what I absolutely loved this Ramadan.


Iftar meant mango juice. Absolutely divine. We made pakoras only twice. Both the times I was the cook. My solute to all the women who made them throughout the month. Only they can understand how you turn into a pakora yourself by the time that a plate is made.
I did not have a single iftar outside home. I had one last year and figured that this stuff is not for me. This time for me means eating small amount, having lazy chai and spending time with family.

The act of giving

Karachiites give like no other. I loved watching all the videos of how Karachi shared sehris and iftaris on the roads.
Loved the iftari trays that the neighbours sent. Tried sending them back as much as possible. To those who did not get a return tray, better luck next time. And thank you for this year.

Suno chanda

I started following this drama almost mid-Ramadan. Absolutely loved it! Fantastic acting by all. Look forward to the last episode on Eid.
Yeh duniya bara zalim hay Billo g!

Pomegranate Linen

Ordered table runner from 'pomegranate linen'. Was pretty impressed by what I received. Do check out their range if you are into interior designing.

Lets welcome Eid

I hear so many adults saying that Eid is only for children and not fun anymore. I would say, lets wake the child in us this Eid and enjoy it like no other. Prep up your home. Look your best. For the ladies apply make up like there is no tomorrow. Go crazy with eating.
Diet starts on 19th June for us now.
Eid Mubarak guys!
Remember to share your happiness, even if its by sharing a smile.


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