Blogging about things that matter. Making a difference. Yes, no, maybe. If drops of water continue to drop on a rock, one day, yes one day, the rock perforates. Well the last thing that I want is people to perforate. They would be referred to surgery , oh yeah. But provided that the rest of their functions are alright. The heart, the lung, the kidneys. And yes, obviously no UTI (urinary tract infection). Last night, while oncall watched Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam). His songs are amazing. The peace on his face.... His looks remind me of my nana (maternal grandfather). He had a similar beard. He used to wake up early offer prayers and then make breakfast with my nani. It used to be such fun, sitting on the floor mat, as in those winter mornings my nani made parathas, my nana made tomato chatni, and we had them all warm. This was followed by tea. And yes we had nice lunchboxes as well. Then our khala...
Nineteen days of the month done with. The city holds a jalsa on women empowerment and women dance away to show how powerful they are. After a glorious test comes the exam and our team tumbles. The way our wickets topple down is amazing. The way they make runs is just that amazing.Fours, sixes. Every big hit bores my brothers no end. And then the heated discussion that this is not the one day team that we should play with. On my way to private wing while in the lift, a lady starts talking to me. “You work here don’t you?”, she asks. I nod and smile back. “I hope you could notify something to your administration”, she goes on. I wrinkle my eyebrows in question. “ The café’ its too far away. They should build a café near the private wing”, she concluded. I gave her a long explanation about how we have clean food despite the fact that the café’ is far. She did not agree. One of those who just want to be heard, I ponder shrugging my shoulders and walk away.
Welcome to the weekend post! This is Zarka and here is what I have been upto. In order to continuously learn and evolve, I am trying to read 10 pages from a book everyday- sometimes I read less, at times more. Say hi to this tiny book that am reading. I loved this quote by Mother Teresa, "We cannot do great things on this earth. We can only do small things with great love". So let me walk you around the small things I did with great love. In order to eat healthier, I am trying to follow the 'Ikigai' books Japanese ideology of eating a rainbow meal. Eating fresh means chopping a lot of stuff. I place this time and effort into my 'exercise time' slot. Not easy this buying, washing, chopping business! Life is replacing chai with coffee. And this card makes me look forward to a free coffee. We call it 'mufta' in Pakistan. No matter what, cant get the mufta out of me. Dont have the perfect translation for mufta. Perhaps one of my readers can help me find a...