Weekend post

And the weekend almost ends here. Oh so soon,  oh so fast. The trio of our family visited Hyderabad. Four hours of travel, about 300 kilometers. With our tummies filled with fried and barbecued food. It was a fun trip. Met my siblings and my mom's siblings. Smiled and laughed. Drank so many cups of tea.

Best Friend? 

My cousin asked me that question. 'Who is your best friend?'. I have none. She found that hard to believe. I at times find that a little strange myself. But I actually have none. And I actually don't need one. All my life, with so much travel, I have always left friends behind. I have figured it out that they are important, but not that important. I've been blessed with the best siblings, is the reason I suppose.

Summers, why so soon!

I can count on fingers the number of days I've worn a sweater these winters and it seems like summers already. Oh, I am so not ready for it. With a heavy heart, and teary eyes (such drama, I create!) I bid winters farewell.

Running but last

Yes I can run now. The limps and pains are gone. But I am always the last in the race. I sarcastically tell the other kids doing Taekwondo with me, that 'my mind is fast'.  I can kick now though. Its my little accomplishment.  

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