
As I sit to type a post today, no real flow of thoughts come. I ll just restart from where I had left. The pain due to taekwondo is all gone. At that point in time, as I used to limp I thought it d never come back to normal. But it did. I can run now. I try on my toes, but I guess I have almost flat feet. My father has real flat feet. So winning in marathons should never be my dream. Never had been, never would be. But the joy of being able to exercise normally is just beyond words. Its such fun guys. An hour of running, jumping, kicking............... And I return back home smiling. To just be able to give an hour to my health. I can't endorse it enough.

Some failures

Regarding the kashmiri tea, I did horribly for the second time that I made it. So from my end, its bye bye kashmiri chai. If there was some sindhi chai, that I shall try.


The weather has started to welcome spring now. And so has sprung the spring collection. The filthy rich ones, go ahead and buy them. We shall be content with what we have and buy some lawn prints once they come. 

And some thank yous

I'll leave you with a picture of some lovely gifts given by our very dear ma'am to me. THANKS Ma'am!!!!!

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