For my new fans

My fan following has caught the number 133. That brings in a bit of pressure to write something. Something new, spicy, refreshing, something that touches the chords of each reader.
But oh really.

Minutes of meeting

A sectional meeting is held. Somehow I am assigned to write the minutes. I scribble a few words here and there, thinking that my memory will help me later, as I write the detail. Coming back home, a day later, on a Saturday night, I google search, 'How to write minutes of a meeting'. I later tell my father that I google searched how to. He laughed his heart out, and said, "You should have google searched how to write seconds of a meeting".

My synopsis is back

They want me to make a million corrections, and on a few paragraphs, its written 'explain'. That in itself needs an explanation. In essentiality, I've to make the corrections and resubmit. In the ideal world, I should be upset. But I am not, as this is not the ideal world, and one of my very kind colleagues has told me that it would be rejected thrice before acceptance.


As I sip tea under the mango tree, a big beautiful butterfly flies away. Our little garden does not have flowers so its a little crazy for a butterfly to fly in this garden and buzz around the greenest of leaves. And so to prove that not everything is comtemporary. It answers those who call my thoughts 'کتابی باتیں '.

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