Holiday season

Impressive powers of observation.
I get that line out of a movie. Its a Saturday, after a hard working Saturday. Last two weeks have been work, work and work. Father of the nation would have been happy if he 'd have seen the oncology team work. With the day starting at eight and continuous work till the other eight. With minimal breaks, for tea, prayers, food. Its just work. The patients sick, some very sick. We sweat it out hard. But its a great team. Great team can do wonders. Everybody doing their own bit, helping out the other in time of need. The nation's got to learn from us. We are turning into role models. Role of model, as my mom calls it. And she is not being funny. Funny she is not. I'm yet to meet a more serious person.

Workaholic to shopaholic

Friday night, on my return home, I stop at 'Time Medicos' to get some stuff I ve been thinking about for so many days. When I reach home, I have coconut milk, tinned pineapple, two packs of slims, coffee, one small pack of frothy coffee (Oh it was a little expensive, but I did get carried away while buying it). And yes the peeled pack of black channas, a pack of kopikos (the amazing coffee toffee), and two packets of green teas, one lemon green tea and the other elaichi green tea. As I paid cash, I thought of getting some ice cream and so I did. Then there was the pack of macaroni. That amazing food called pasta. To be made with white sauce, adding a helping of vegetables and chicken, cheese. And there it is.

Mind turning beautiful

Over the week, in bits and pieces I watch 'A beautiful mind', and am impressed. The way its shot is amazing.  A movie of intelligence and love. And powers of both. How people with psychiatric disorders cope. How everybody thinks they are mad. And yet the line between mad and not so mad is so blurred.

My resident Sana introduces this to me. Some days back, as I entered the female oncall room, our Sana, who has recently gotten married, was scribbling down recipes from 'Handi' fan page. A few days later I turn into a fan myself. And there on there has been no returning back. Hence the reason for me buying coconut milk and a lot of other fancy stuff. So this Saturday the frozen chicken is out, and am all set to make 'Manglore chicken curry'. Thats where the coconut milk is thrown in.

Its abstract I know, but I kind of think its powerful. 
I leave, with this line out of a movie (again!).

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