Of rains and more

Its interesting how different people living in different countries react to the same seasonal variation. We live in the land of samosas and pakoras. This association leads us to think of a wonderful cloudy evening. Winds blowing. Everyone having a smile on their face. Happy in the head for no good reason. Of jalebis and more. Chatnis and ketchups. Of youngs and olds and not so olds.
So yes the rainy season approaches us again. I can see scores of medical students outside just to enjoy the hazy weather. Then there is the shop called 'Snacks n Things'. It sure is making good, or rather great business. Tea and more tea. Samosas and rolls. Age is not the bar today. Quiet a crowd.

Meray bachpan kay din..

Takes me to the rains in my childhood (but the child in me is still there, pops up every now and then, surfaces and resurfaces.). How it used to rain. The typical interior Sindh rain. We used to soak and soak till our bodies ached. I had loads of cousins for company (obviously still around, all serious adults by now). How the line in between the water pools in the streets and gutters got merged (the faint hearted would go eeewwww!). And then the schools would be off like forever. The insects with unknown names would then follow, and scare the hell out of us , with the power off for most of the day. This would lead to candle-lit nights, and with the shamas would be a lot of parwanas.

And how the nanis and dadis would make that awful sweet rice made of gurr. I never liked it. The smell, the colour. And obviously there would be pakoras, loads. And every home having the same thing but with different taste. The children party would roam about and go to every house (our relatives being our neighbours) and check out what the rest were upto.

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