Short story

Weekend passes away like a dream. Monday flies away. Drained totally drained I return home at half past nine (pm).

Thursday is presentation day.

Tuesday, Wednesday. No time left. I gather some courage to make a few slides but feel too lethargic. I put an alarm for five am and also inform Fozia (my younger sister) that I will wake up at five to prepare for the presentation. Fozia smiles at me (she is preparing for exam and has altered sleep pattern). “I ll wake you up, if you are willing and will salute you if you are able to wake up at the said time!”, she ridiculed.

The alarm does not ring. I wake up on this note, “Its five thirty am”. I come out of the dream world into the real one. I drag myself up by six.

Namaz is followed by nashta. The tea is terribly bitter. The egg mashed up. After eating like a king (??) , I get hold of the laptop and put it on the table. Few slides are added to the already made presentation. The sun starts to rise and its seven thirty soon. I get ready for work.

Fifteen minute drive takes me to the red brick hospital. Last night had experienced a sand storm and everything was just that, dust.

akuhovercastry0The sensitive ones have a runny nose. The day passes away as usual. Patients, files, confidentials, chemo orders, tea breaks, toffee breaks.

Its seven thirty pm by the time my driver arrives. Half an hour later its home. I nibble up spaghetti with qeema. The laptop is open in front of my eyes as I read and retouch the slides on power point. ‘From next time onwards, I’ll start preparing early’, I think to myself. 

A phone call

The phone rings. Its Dr Nauman (our fellow two). “Sorry to bother you beta, but your presentation has been postponed till next week”, he tries to explain.

Two minutes later.

I smile from cheek to cheek and start to write a blog.



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