Things made simple

"OK from now on I will".

While in Bournemouth Hajra told me on return that she met an African muslim who asked her if she prayed and when she replied in the affirmative he told her that he liked people who prayed. A few days elapsed. On the way to cafetaria we met this chap again. This time around I was introduced as well. After a few minutes of where you are from and why, he asked me the same question. He later said, "But I pray all my zuhr, asar and maghrib prayers cumulatively on my return home". "But there is a place specially arranged within the chapel for us muslims, why don't you pray there?", I couldn't help but inquire. "But God will be angry if I pray within the chapel", he explained. "But God would be more angry if you miss prayers, and the place has been specially arranged for us, there is no reason why you shouldn't be praying", I went on. To this he replied, "OK from now on I will".
A few weeks later upon my return to Pakistan I discussed the same issue with my father. He smiled pleasantly initially and then replied, " Allah says that the whole zameen (Earth) has been made a Masjid (mosque) for you, how much more simple can He make things for us!".

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