Welcome to ER, episode three.
Postcall. Very postcall. Finally had a better call. The last two were terribly busy. And now am supposed to come 12 hours later again. Welcome to ER episode three it is. Nothing interesting happened. Four CCU admissions, two chronic myeloid leukemias now with fever, high blood pressures and sugars. Two doctors, one small, one large. As boring as it could get.
Docs and the delicious
One of the docs in ER is supposed to go to a breakfast at 'barbecue tonight'. How can one get excited about going to a breakfast. Getting dressed, perked up and ready for a hearty meal. Most likely for things like halwa puri and parathas. My father was once invited for breakfast with 'paay'. He didnot go. He had never had such a thing for breakfast and did not plan to break rules.
While in the doctors lounge as I yaked away (and a few listened intently, or so I believed), one of the (female) doctors said, "All I have been doing during the course of your conversation (which had by now turned into a jalsa) is looking at your slippers, they look so pretty!!", she beamed. They are pretty and gave me nice footache the last time but have stretched a bit by now. "From Bata", I add to her knowledge, as I pick one of the pink slippers in my hand for all to see. The conversation has now turned into a comic one.
Postcall. Very postcall. Finally had a better call. The last two were terribly busy. And now am supposed to come 12 hours later again. Welcome to ER episode three it is. Nothing interesting happened. Four CCU admissions, two chronic myeloid leukemias now with fever, high blood pressures and sugars. Two doctors, one small, one large. As boring as it could get.
Docs and the delicious
Qaum say khitab and chappal
Disclaimer : These are not the real slippers, but thats the only image I could get from the net.