2011, mairee ankhon say.

The new year strikes in fourty minutes. So when we write the date tomorrow, we'd write 2011 and then overwrite the eleven. Looking back, it has been an amazing year.


The first month of year three. I still remember how weird we had felt.
Me, Ainee, Amber and the rest. The only one with a confident start was Anwar. Nothing can shake him. We were blessed with raw interns (who by the end of the year are shining like diamonds).
Admissions, rush calls, leading a team.
We sailed through and with Ainee along in private wing, we laughed away. Then there was the resident's appreciation evening.
img_744_shaista-zaid-on-the-46th-anniversary-of-ptvThose sarcastic skits. I read the news (this my continuous second year doing so). 'If I read the news in the next year's resident night you could call me Shaista Zaid then', I had said to  Dr Imran (cardiology).

Cardiology night float. Ecgs and more ecgs.

March and April
ICU rotation. A different world altogether.We celebrated passing A lines, central lines, birthdays, results and at times celebrated for no good reason at all.
I as usual was blessed with the most happening calls. Pneumothoraces, codes, deaths always planned to happen when I was oncall. And then there was our famous Dr S. How he fainted while intubating a patient.

Senior night float. Oncall every other day but a relatively easy rotation. If anyone is rotated while in jannat, it would be this rotation.

Cardiology night float. Again. Nokar kee tay nakhra kee!

Medicine floor. Four teams but I admit the most among all. But it was fun. My team made things easier for me. And when I recently read Raheel (the intern in my team)'s note I told him how proud I was of him.

Psych rotation and Ramzan. Nice and cool. Oncall every fifth day. Another jannati rotation.

Medicine floor in private wing. This time around with a professor. A little tense but interesting. At the end of the month was a pizza party which I missed.

Hajra and I suddenly plan to go to England for electives prior to our exam. A month most adventures. Away from usual residency tensions both of us really enjoyed our stay there and met wonderful people.
People who would cotinue to be friends for life. Apart from one major fight with Hajra, our friedship bloomed and its oh so fun talking to her via phone (though my phone goes from balance to imbalance). 379463_2547272198426_1152439315_32229577_554400906_n

Still in England. Exam on twentieth. Once done with the exam roamed around Chester (my exam center) till my feet ached. Small town but beautiful. Had that wonderful veggie dinner alone while watching people around.
There was this old lady celebrating her birthday and ended the celebration with an ice cream. The next two days were in London with Hajra and her aunty's family. A bunch of very sweet and warm people, they made the trip all the more memorable.
By the end of the month returned home with result due in ten days time.
Oncolgy interview came along, an experience of its own. Dr Nehal had said, "Dr Zarka, ab hum aap say kuch chubtay huay aur kuch kum chubty huay sawal pochain gay".
On twenty nineth the result is announced and I have passed. It has been magical ever since.

Emergency rotation. One of the most wonderful ones. The ER team is just lovely. Sarcastic, energetic. As I complete the month I do feel a little gloomy.
But like all good things in life this must end. It was such pleasure working with TT (Tanveer), Khusro, Nishi, Rashid, Shehla (and her lovely accent), Samiyas (there are two of them).

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