The caretaker
Its about three pm here. I just talked to this elderly gentleman who had been admitted with gallstones and had quite a stormy hospital course. In and out of the ICU, he looked pretty fine apart from the bag containing some very green stuff (bile).
He was more worried about his wife. She had dementia and he was the only caretaker. He continued to care for her despite his bad lungs and hurting tummy. Its only so much a person can take. He came in, in a pretty serious state but has made through. His wife meanwhile has landed in an old home now. He just goes on and on about how she is her soul mate. She could hardly identify him and has very poor bladder control. 'People would just think that I’ve gotten rid of her now, but that's not how it is..........'.
Hajra leaves on Friday. Its just Thursday in between. It will get lonely then. I bought three books for my self to beat the loneliness. Readers Digest, the Fundamentalist and another one I don’t remember the name of. I d bring them along on return and you can have a read and then write a review on your (rarely read) blog.
Byes for now.
PS: my previous mail did not have enough spaces in between the paragraphs, I hope this one is an improvement.