Crispy notes

The venue is cafetaria again. I'm having the usual cheese omelette. (Cheese omelette! Yes because Beenish says that it has lesser calories than croissants.) . "It has been a long time since you've posted something Maam", says Rizwan (Our intern). "He is your fan as well?!", beams Beenish. "I'm probably the only one who actually reads her blog", Rizwan replies. "Well, these exams are keeping me busy, maybe I ll have more time to write when I reach UK", I end.

Busy and the bug

The whole day is busy. Almost everyone is caught by the flu bug. I am done with the runny voice and this has followed by the very husky voice. It will only improve if I give myself some voice rest.
There is also some neck pain. I bend my neck till my chin touches my sternum. No meningitis yet.
Day before while I was doing clinics with Dr Atta Khan, one patient jokingly said, "you look sicker than me!". I tried to smile amid the runny nose, sneeze and the tears.

In Rome, do as the Romans do

An essential part of visiting another country is to consider their weather. It will be cold there. It takes me four hours to search for a long coat. Fruitless. Absolutely fruitless. I eventually find out that 'Sanaullah' has some long coats. Another fifteen minutes drive. Sanaullah store is reached and the search begins. The coats are way too long and wide. I return home and try the old old pink coat. My sister forgets her sleep and laughs out aloud.....

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