I love Sundays.....when at home

Seems like ages before I had a day off. But finally it comes. Sunday as a funday.  The morning starts at about nine. The rest of the house still sleeping. I leave eggs to boil. Time to kick start day with a healthy breakfast. One banana, followed by the boiled egg. Thats the plan. Junaid (my brother) wakes up and agrees to fix tea. I offer him the boiled eggs and he reluctantly accepts.(Junaid says that boiling an egg is equivalent to wasting one!). I head for the little park with my books in one hand and the nashta in the other. No signs of the newspaper yet. Ok. Its a beautiful morning, just the right amount of cool breeze. Partly cloudy.

I stick the headphones in my ears and turn on the radio. Its FM 107s birthday. They sound excited and rightly so. I peel my egg as the music continues to blare. The egg has never tasted better. Zabardast, my heart goes. Junaid brings in the tea. I sip away.........
The newspaper arrives. Two huge bundles. The express tribune and Jung. The entertainment page is entertianing. Nabila is married to Emmu, I did not know that....
On the international pages is a story about a father whose three children attend  a Russian school. Their story of continuously moving and meeting new people relates so much to mine.

And it gets even better...

The third character of the drama, my father enters, with his signature morning Asalaaam-u-alaikum.
Any nashta for me, he asks. Junaid disappears. I make the egg mix (containing tomatoes, green onions, capsicums, cabbage and spices ). As the nashta is devoured, Junaid fixes some more tea. I leave  the for the park.Chef Junaid brings in the second episode of tea.
The wonderful day continues.......

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