To whom it may concern

There he lays. Fourty five year old gentleman, who looks as if he is sixty five. One of his eye is damaged. The other one moves unpurposefully. Half his face is wasted. He can hardly move his body. There is an occasional flicker of his muscles here and there. He has a PEG tube in his abdomen (PEG tube is a tube put via skin into the stomach to ensure feeding). This time around he has been admitted with complaints of difficulty breathing and cough. His examination and chest xray says that he has pneumonia. The family says that he was affected by a bomb blast two years back, a bomb blast in Lyari. Gang war. People against people, not an animal against an animal.  He has been like this ever since. His sons were younger then. These two years have been difficult, very difficult for the family. There are no chances of any meaningfull recovery. Yes the pneumonia may be treated, but he will remain in the same state............

It angers me. Bothers me. How can you hurt a fellow human being. Irrespective of cast, language, religion. What was his fault on that fatefull day. That he was there.......
If only the person who has done this could see, feel. Just try to imagine being in the patient's place for five minutes only. Breathing in and out. Thinking or not thinking. Wanting to say something but not able to. Or maybe not wanting to say anything at all.Try imagining on being on tube feedings, on being on a foley or a diaper.

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