Team three
Finally our team is blessed with another resident.
Here is my team...
Our intern from Hyderabad. He has straight long (well, not so long) hair, and usually carries a shy smile. As usually he doesn'd say much, so we don't really know what he is thinking about. I am really impressed by his fine manners, the way he deals with people, lets women precede when he opens doors. As he works tirelessly hence if the attending says anything probing, he becomes upset. He is almost the baby of the team and we have to make sure that he remains happy.
"You are very resourceful now!", says Tahir (our year one resident). "What does that mean?", I say all confused."You have a lot of manpower now!", he finishes. I agree. Finally our team is blessed with another resident. In medicine there are four teams. Each team has a Consultant, a senior resident, one or two residents and one or two interns. All three teams had six members while my team was short of a resident. And it so happened that the shortest team had to deal with the largest number of patients. Half a month passed like this. Coming in the mornings, half-heartedly attending the morning sessions, rushing towards the wards and writing in follow ups. Chasing the labs, checking in on the medications. Things have been going crazy so far......
Here is my team...
Well, she is my sister. Cant say much about her.
On my first impression I thought that he would be careless. As the month evolved all I learned was that my first impression was absolutely wrong. Very keen on learning, he has been a great addition in the team.
He has an added plus. His humor. He calls the rounds, 'Tankeed baray islah!'.
Our new resident. An angry young gentleman. Still new to the system, I am expecting that he will learn with the passage of time. His favourite one liner is "Ok Ok."
Overall the best thing about my team is that they are a bunch of hardworking, honest (and beautiful and handsome respectively ) individuals. And as its 27th today, it makes me sad that the month has literally flied away.....