Busy bee
It seems like ages since I wrote my last post. The last few days have been busy, really busy. My world twisted 360 degrees on first July. Post call, in fact very post call, I headed to C2 ward to start off with the sixteen patients that the previous team had left as a gift for me.
The saga begins……
It was a mess, a whole mess.I did not know the patients and the patients did not know me! Then there was the team. Myself, the (so called) senior resident, my sister , the year one resident (post call) and our two brand new interns (and one of them post call!).
Dr Saliha is our consultant. A very pleasant lady. The first day, she bears with us and together we try to sort out what the sixteen of them have. As we complete rounds its two hours spent. Then come in the round orders. My senses are almost going numb. The rest of the team looks tired as well. The first day finishes at six pm.
Yes we can!
Then comes in the on call day. The day we are supposed to admit new patients. New patients comes in in all shapes and sizes and they continue to arrive from nine am till seven thirty the next day.
I admit a total of twenty patients. I have five older ones already. The team looks as if about to crumble! But despite all adversities we continue to survive and survive we will!