Minutes count
I 'll give myself five minutes to write this piece.
Dr Zarka, your time starts now.
On call again. Dr S is passing A-line on a patient. I told him that I ll pass it , he said, that patient has only one arm for experimentation, and he ll pass it. Of course I wont listen. Just then Dr Saeed calls. I give him a review of the patients. Once I'm done , Dr S is nowhere to be seen. I search all over the ICU.
Oh.......He is standing all scrubed to pass A-line!
The nurse asks me to enter nebulizing drugs for this patient. I tell her, "This is Dr S's patient, he ll enter the drug!".
I walk away.
Still two minutes to spare.
Just now the unit receptionist calls. He wastes one minutes
Patient's family arrives for update.
Five minutes end here.....