Till then


"It seemed nice to put in the chief's ID, you see."

Two months of absolute fun! That's what ICU rotation has been. Our team was great!


Dr Saeed
Nicest senior ever. He used to overlook all our little mistakes. Said 'Good', on our little efforts. Smile on our silliness. Taught me how to put  A-line, central lines. I still remember when out of anxiety I even forgot how to put in a stitch, and he kindly smiled and said, "bhool gain."

Dr Fasih
Calm and cool. Ready for all sort of kind advises. He never imposes his seniour-ness on us. I still use his ID while putting in echo requests.I recently told him that (while in year one, my colleague taught me to put in his ID, Dr Fasih was medicine chief resident then)."Why do you use my ID", he asked. "It seemed nice to put in the chief's ID, you see."

Dr Amir
He has been put in the rapid response team and I call him Dr rapid.Almost everyday he used to remind us that he is in the ICU to supervise stuff and not put in follow ups, and almost everyday he had to put the follow ups in! The quotations that he used in rounds were amazing. "Sir we have now been hit to the wall, there isn't much we can do now!". And once Dr Javed Hussain asked him, "Amir, plan?!". "Sir I think we should hit with all guns!". You should have seen the smile on Dr Javed Hussain's face then.

Dr Hussain
He kept quiet usually, so it was difficult to predict what his thoughts were usually. I found him the most patient of teachers, the calmness that he showed while assisting lines was amazing. It was later that I realized that he'd an interesting sense of humour as well!

Our year two. On the last day his wife made biryani, salad, raita. How could we not say nice things about him. It takes a fine man to have a fine wife. Co-operative, always there when needed, it had been a great team together.

Now, she has been my friend since some time but  I guess the friendship has really flourished in this last month. She is one strong headed girl. Quiet, hardworking, and a great predictor. She gives predictions about anything and they turn out right most of the times. She made 'Paul, the octopus ', turn in his grave.

Dr S
I had calls with him for two months. His favorite programs are 'Mr Bean', and 'Tom and Jerry'.Over all he was a pleasure to work with. He was like a younger brother, who I could boss around, and he would listen and obey. Yes he did say that I had a cloud, and at the end of his rotation with me he would wash the ICU call room with chlorrhexidine to was out my 'manhoosiat'! I told him that he should have two servings of the sweet dish that I made , as I had mixed poison in it!

Who could forget her. Through out the rotation she religiously served meals (bought from the cafe), and tea at 3 pm. I remember she once bought our food almost at 2:30 pm. Our eyeballs were about to pop-out, out of hunger.

Oh its so evident that I'd miss the ICU team. . . . . .

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