Mistake became wrong!

“You are living in Pakistan, you should write something about the state of this country, not just the hospital stuff”, Fozia (my younger sister), tells me.

She doesn’t stop here. She gives me three topics. Bijli (light), machar (mosquitoes), and mehngai (expensiveness!?!). All right.

Topic one

Bijli (light)

How can I write about something that’s usually not even there.

Machar (mosquitoes)

Causes malaria, dengue. I meet them everyday.An encounter in itself.

Mehngai (expensiveness!?!)

Why should I even bother to talk about it and what’s the point.


There done.Three topics. Three minutes of my life. Nothing innovational.

Now coming back to the hospital.

Asif (Year two resident), is scrolling through facebook. “It’s Dr Saeed’s birthday today!”, he says excitedly. Dr Saeed is a critical care fellow. Tall, kind, funny, almost fatherly. “We should celebrate, then!”, I tell him and we order a cake from United bakery. Chocolate fudge cake is to arrive at about three thirty.

Clock ticks three thirty. Cake arrives. Looks good, very yummy.Just as I prepare the table , in comes Dr Saeed. gooPasses a glance at the cake , and asks what we are celebrating. “Oh well, Sir , its your birthday!”. Dr Saeed turns all serious, and then smiles immediately. “My birthday is in July, and today is the date of birth mentioned in my ID card only.”

Oh ho ho ho ho……


We gather everbody, including Dr Murtaza (our consultant). As Dr Murtaza comes to know the real story he concludes, “Nothing is simple anymore!”.And we all smile away.

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