ICU day...

ICU Day twenty five. Young female, enthusiastic, carries a blinding torch in her pocket, addicted to blog writing, history of admission in ICU for a month, back in April 2010. Now readmitted for a two month rotation, to hopefully expertise in passing lines.
Continue same treatment for another month!

On examination :

Seems sedated postcall (though is off sedation)
GCS fluctuating.

Blood pressure dropping due to hunger.
Pulse tachycardic.

Respiratory settings
Vent --- man this washing machine is beyond me!
CXR --- was OK on residency admission.(patient clearly refuses to get another one done)

Feed ----- needs something beyond "economy"
Gut sounds Audible to all

Never rotated there.

Not done due to limited salary!

Treatment given in ICU
Good (so far.......)

Assesment plan
Patient looks comfortable. Continue same treatment for another month.!

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