Dancing lights

There is no light from seven till nine pm. The UPS works for one and a half hour, and then this is followed by half an hour of darkness and fight with the mosquitoes.

Pakistan beats Australia. We just love that!



Twenty third March

Means a lot of different things to a lot of people. For people like myself it means another holiday. No waking up early. No rushing towards hospital. No morning follow ups.A day of laziness. Sipping tea under the mango tree.

It s the day called Pakistan Day. A country we are rarely proud of.

A country now sixty four year old. An age of retiring. An age when after all those years of giving, its now being the turn of receiving.The want of care.

But do we care…



Cricket Junoon


Its world cup again. Pakistan beats Australia. We just love that. Astralia, team unbeaten for so many matches. We the unpredictable , beat them.

As the match starts, the mesmerizing scene starts.With all eleven standing,  our anthem is sung …

Hair raising indeed.

All we need is a winning spirit, and some hard work.

I could see the trophy coming, Could you!


Zarka, the predicting octopus.

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