Saima says..
It’s gastroentrology clinic.
A young male enters.Tall, slim, ambitious! A boy like any other boy.
“Otherwise I won’t get my new job!”
Saima starts her history.
He has hepatitis B. He is least bothered about what this may lead to.
“Doctor, I have just one month, I don’t know how, but I want this hepatitis thing treated within that period, otherwise I won’t get my new job!”
Saima is clearly shocked.
Clinic finishes. Saima tells me this story and asks me to post it.
She is shocked that this young boy is not worried about the health implications of his disease, but only worried about his new job.
Well, Saima, this is a poor country, where getting a job is what life means.
And, well ignorance IS a bliss! Thank God he does not worry about his hepatitis. Maybe this kid could get an early virologic response, with treatment.
Remember, every cloud has a silver lining!