
Cardiology night float…
He goes on with his drill of proving that she has SLE!
It’s eleven am. Still at home. I have to report in hospital at four pm. Five more hours to go.Cardiology night float is thought to be one of the most nerve wrecking rotations.It requires a lot of running around..
This month I have about fifteen calls.Half of them with Dr Ashiq and the remaining half with Dr Abid. One of the fifteen done. The first call was with Dr Ashiq. He is due to appear for his clinical exam in the middle of this month and examines each patient as if he is in CPSP! Every lady that he examines with a remote cardiological finding….. he goes on with his drill of proving that she has SLE!
As I headed for my first call, CCU appeared to be a very cold place.

Post one call, it’s not that cold. Though it does seem like a man’s world there!

In CCU everybody has an encounter with ‘CCU Jamshed’ (the unit receptionist). There are very few men who talk as much as he does!

His one liner is “call me anything but Bhai!”.          (Bhai means brother)
Got to go for now………. till the next post!

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