Mental grounds

I’m given a consult in psychiatry ward. This patient is schizophrenic, is on olanzepine and the reason for consult is for cardiac side- effects of the drug.

About two years back, when I was rotating in medicine in Dr Faisal Mehmood' s team, he 'd a patient to see there and asked us to come along if we were interested. Of course we joined him. We did not see any patients roaming about that day. Dr Faisal told us that this is the only ward in which smoking is allowed by patients.

And now , two years later, I'm asked to see a patient there. It scares me a little, but I still go ahead. The entrance has two doors, one followed by the other, and you can only enter if you have the password, or the guard (who's inside) opens the door for you.I peep in , the guard notices me and opens the doors. Its a little weird inside. On the right there is a poster about what to do when you hear voices inside you!


Then there is the TV lounge, a play area, two tables on which a patient and a nurse are playing ludo. Just them a young , fair, tall cute looking girl passes by me . She is singing along , "Meray khaboon mein jo aaay!".

Then there is the middle aged skiny lady, who as she walks along , continues to stare at me. There are also two young men , who also join in the staring business (gosh , so much attention!). All three carry expressionless faces. I take up the red file of the patient I'm about to see. I ask the nurse is the patient aggressive. She smiles and tells me that the patient is one of the young males roaming about. The nurse calls his name and he comes. I introduce myself. He seems to have the finest of manners. He tells me that he is a dental surgeon. I think that he is probably making up stories. I ask him if I can examine him. He agrees and walks towards his room. I hurriedly examine his chest and heart and thank him. He thanks me in return.

I come out of the ward rather saddened. A disease of thinking , that's what they have. Don't we all have it , at one time or the other. Deep inside my heart I pray for them all. 

The next day I round with Dr Saadia. As we proceed for consults in psych ward , the young girl I saw yesterday, offers her hand , for a hand shake. I give my hand in hers. " May the patient bless you!", she says.

I'm left speechless...

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