Its the time to disco!

Tired, rather drained out.We all feel that way. Maybe its the age.As I write these lines while still in CCU, out of the blue, Khalid (year one resident) all of a sudden, says, " Are you crying or do you have a runny nose!". He asks this with such empathy. I turn at him and seem bewildered. How does he know, that my heart is crying. Just then someone sniffs. Oh so Khalid heard those sniffs and correlated them with my very serious face. Both of us burst into laughter. That's what laughter is!
After a period of two years, there is a wedding in my family, and the department does not have any replacement! Wow! Now that's news.
So the scene is set. Family going to wedding. Me staying in hospital. The taking pictures with the bride and the bridegroom, while I can take all the pictures I want , with the ventilators, lines, canulas.Great fun.

So lets take  a look at Matli.
A place in interior Sindh where I was born. Small town. Two bazaars. One Government School for boys , another for girls. Similar story for college.There is one main road that starts and ends where the town ends.

This picture raises a lot of nostalgia. One street from there is my grandparents home. Post school , we used to inform Ami that I m leaving for Nana's and off we went. That was a place where we were pampered. We had proper parathas, our mama's used to give us rides on the bicycle.We used to play loads of weird games together. Games which do not have any proper names.
We used to have tongas to ride us to and from school.

The horse was just as white, but a little healthier. He was called 'Moti'!

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