Its 8 am. I have an hour till my duty finishes. Half-heartedly I head for cardiology meeting. Here they usually speak a language which is alien at least to this doc.As I enter the dark room, I almost stumble on a pointed object on the floor.I try to appear cool as if nothing has happened. Dr Abid is presenting something about lipids in a very monotonous tone. He goes on and on about this study and that. Dr Atta Khan takes his
Now, what does this mean!
Blogging about things that matter. Making a difference. Yes, no, maybe. If drops of water continue to drop on a rock, one day, yes one day, the rock perforates. Well the last thing that I want is people to perforate. They would be referred to surgery , oh yeah. But provided that the rest of their functions are alright. The heart, the lung, the kidneys. And yes, obviously no UTI (urinary tract infection). Last night, while oncall watched Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam). His songs are amazing. The peace on his face.... His looks remind me of my nana (maternal grandfather). He had a similar beard. He used to wake up early offer prayers and then make breakfast with my nani. It used to be such fun, sitting on the floor mat, as in those winter mornings my nani made parathas, my nana made tomato chatni, and we had them all warm. This was followed by tea. And yes we had nice lunchboxes as well. Then our khala...