Cardio and the cookies!

Its 8 am. I have an hour till my duty finishes. Half-heartedly I head for cardiology meeting.

I almost stumble on a pointed object on the floor.


Here they usually speak a language which is alien at least to this doc.As I enter the dark room, I almost stumble on a pointed object on the floor.I try to appear cool as if nothing has happened. Dr Abid is presenting something about lipids in a very monotonous tone. He goes on and on about this study and that.

Dr Atta Khan takes his power nap , thrice to be exact!

Then comes in the tea! Sidra (intern) , looks at me and we smile at each other.

Tea is accompanied by fresh ties , coated with till!

The packet is rotated all around the meeting room.

In a minute the room filled with doctors is replaced by munchers.


And remember, we were talking about reducing

cholesterol! About eating high fibre diet, about exercise.

In the meeting Dr Amir Hameed continues his archery on Dr Abid.

Post meeting Dr Abid looks broken…

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