At random

As I wait for the over , its time for another post.
I write because people read, and people read because I write! It's a vicious cycle!

Seventeen days of cardiology! Seems like yesterday.
The day starts as I wake up at eleven am. Good morning. People at my place are done with nashta, one of the masis is done with her job.Its pretty sunny outside. The newspaper has been read.I fix my breakfast, and also serve tea to the rest of the family. As I sit in the little lawn, I look up at the mango tree. It has started to grow little little flowers , and karis ( small mangoes) . This is the same tree which my uncle said will never bear fruit! Last year it had beautiful sweet mangoes. I call this tree 'hope'.

 Mom lazily starts making lunch. I put in my essential touches in the cooking. As I start preparing for the call ahead, my mom forces me to eat literally everything edible in the house!

Its about two pm as I head for AKU. Its too sunny. Actually scorching. School vans are returning with children done for the day.

And here comes the writer's block .(Writer's block is when a writer's thought comes to a halt)  .

And yes, this blog is one of those areas!

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