On a happy note!

Guys , here comes the weekend!

I have four patients.One of the funniest ones. At least that’s what Aini says.

In his vocabulary of a gizzilion words , he tried to find the most appropriate words of praise

There is this Uncle ,who is admitted  under care of Dr Faisal, but only wants to see Dr Amir Hameed. He is what Dr Ayesha Kamal says “full of history”! The day he arrived, he told me that  he’d a pacemaker in and he wanted it checked (as he thought that it might have malfunctioned secondary to his fall). I did exactly that, called the experts to check the pacemaker (as I could not fulfil his second wish of making Dr Amir Hameed meet him there and then).

The pacemaker was checked and it was functioning fine. I checked back to see if he was happy now, but he was annoyed.He said, “The technicians have not checked it right , only Amir Hameed knows how to do that!”. Then he went on about why he wants to see Dr Amir Hameed, in his vocabulary of a gizzilion words , he tried to find the most appropriate words of praise. “Well you see, for me Dr Amir Hameed is , ummmmmm ………’my dear doctor’!”. I left smiling.

Then there is this uncle, 85 year old , dementic, usually quiet but when he says something , he has the largest loud speakers fixed in his voice box!He has become dialysis dependant but the hospital does not have slot for his hemodialysis, The family intends to stay in “forever” till they get space.Every third day, his sodium dilutes, secondary to fluid collection and he becomes drowsy. But drowsy or not , he continues to do one thing , chew pan!


   When I saw that for the first time, I almost screamed, “Don’t feed him with that! He is going to aspirate!” .

Recently, I entered his room and asked one of his many sons, how his father was doing. “I think , not very well, he has not asked for his paan today”.

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