A new beginning

Come long weekend and the world changes! I start noticing things  which are missed in the usual mayhem of routine.Drone attacks continue on our countrymen, as we party on the arrival of our Chinese friends!And they say that if one body part hurts , the whole body aches………….

The only China significant in my life is Chinese salt, soya sauce, manchurian!

Its easy to guess how foodie this doc is!

There are the nice ones , and there are the not so nice ones……….

With the new year aroung the corner, the few of us , that is the new to be year threes jitter at the thought of running a team.A team which will consist of two interns, one year one resident and the attending (the boss).

Now , the bosses come in all shapes and sizes……..there are the nice ones , and there are the not so nice ones………. ones which give you room and others which give space spread on hectares ……

Our juniors tell us that we are a very decent lot (the to be third years), we don’t seem to have any differences among ourselves…… oh well……our true colours will be exposed when the fight of the ‘eight am’ begins…”so when did the patient arrive ? at 0758 hours or 0802 hours !!!!!!

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