Procedural Story

Calendar says its 8th of November,2010. My heart says its call two today in oncology. Its Sunday , while the rest of the family starts for the lazy morning, I hurriedly rush for the hospital.

Its the usual day in hospital, plenty of patients ,only this little doctor to sort out the mess.

As usual all the stable patients turn unstable, and together… . . . . I love oncology’s craziness!

”Do you take drugs Aunty” I ask the patient, with a smile.

On the back of my mind lingers on the thought that I’ve to give intrathecal chemotherapy.Done with clarking three patients, I proceed for the chemotherapy.Every thing set, LP needle, GP pack,pyodine, midazolam, consent. I call the staff for assistance in positioning the patient. Patient’s room stinks…she has passed stool. “Clean it up”, I tell the staff. Ten minutes pass.Meanwhile I clark the fourth patient. I peek into the earlier patient’s room.Everything nicely cleaned up!”Lets start” I signal the staff.Two and a half ml of midazolam, no response, another 2.5 ml of midazolam, patient still restless. “OK fine, lets give her five ml more”. Yup, your guess is right! No effect of the drug on this patient.”Do you take drugs Aunty” I ask the patient, with a smile.The patient does not get what I m saying. I tell the family that I was unable to proceed as patient was restless despite significant dose of benzodiazepines and leave for dinner.

Done with the dinner, I notice that I’ve forgotten my stethoscope in the patient’s room. As I head towards C1, I see the staff looking for me. “Patient is sedated , and family wants the procedure done” the staff tells me.I obliged. I ask Dr Wazir for his senior expertise and take Sidra ( Intern rotating in neurology ) along. Sidra assists me, while the staff positions the patient.Dr Wazir looks on……….

I proceed my needle in , and VIOLA , the cerebrospinal fluid is coming…..

I take the intrathecal chemotherapy and inject it in……

Nicely done! I return with Sidra elated……”you should write about this on your blog” Sidra says…..

That I will, I think to myself.

And Sidra , I’ve mentioned your name “four times” in my blog…… girl you are successful now!

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