A fairy tale . . .
Once upon a time, there were five beautiful girls, and one handsome boy.Their names were Hajra, Nosheen, Ayesha, Zaina, Zarka and Anwar.They were all wonderful doctors,nicely trained, kind hearted people.Fate bought them all together in the month of October, in Pulmonology rotation. . . . .

Their first week was with Dr Ali Zubairi.One of the most fun weeks.Few patients, plenty of doctors.Dr Ali Zubairi read their follow ups and corrected them with his black pen if required,and wrote “”good’” if the follow ups excited him. One of the patients had tuberculous effusion, chest tube in,she was 16,small for her age, but with a very sharp brain.She passed a vibrant smile, whenever they meet her.
Then their was this asthmatic lady whose wheeze continued despite optimization.Dr Ali Zubairi asked her if there was any family history positive for asthma.She went blank.Two days later when she was a little better, she told Dr Ali Zubairi” the other day you were asking me whether anyone from my family has asthma.I’d been thinking, and now I remember that my niece had asthma,while I stayed at their place.I think I got my asthma from him!’’.The docs could not help but laugh.
Then these amazing docs enter week two.This one is with Dr Irfan.He suffered from fever the whole week and the week passed without any fuss.

Week three,and these brilliant doctors are faced with Dr Suleman Haq.The road is a very smooth one . . .
Then finally, this bunch of docs enter week four, with Dr Nawal…….

Day one of rounds in this week, and the group comes to know that they are probably not that brilliant, amazing,well-trained. Kind hearted they continue to be. They learn a new virtue….hard work…….they round and round.Look into every tiny detail.Their hair start to fall,they seem to age a little!

But then every cloud has a silver lining…the week ends and their hard work pays off.They come off triumphant……they finally celebrate at Mcdonald’s ( to regain the calories they had lost)………………………………………
And obviously they live happily ever after (in their respective new rotations)! ! !

Their first week was with Dr Ali Zubairi.One of the most fun weeks.Few patients, plenty of doctors.Dr Ali Zubairi read their follow ups and corrected them with his black pen if required,and wrote “”good’” if the follow ups excited him. One of the patients had tuberculous effusion, chest tube in,she was 16,small for her age, but with a very sharp brain.She passed a vibrant smile, whenever they meet her.
Then their was this asthmatic lady whose wheeze continued despite optimization.Dr Ali Zubairi asked her if there was any family history positive for asthma.She went blank.Two days later when she was a little better, she told Dr Ali Zubairi” the other day you were asking me whether anyone from my family has asthma.I’d been thinking, and now I remember that my niece had asthma,while I stayed at their place.I think I got my asthma from him!’’.The docs could not help but laugh.
Then these amazing docs enter week two.This one is with Dr Irfan.He suffered from fever the whole week and the week passed without any fuss.
Week three,and these brilliant doctors are faced with Dr Suleman Haq.The road is a very smooth one . . .
Then finally, this bunch of docs enter week four, with Dr Nawal…….
Day one of rounds in this week, and the group comes to know that they are probably not that brilliant, amazing,well-trained. Kind hearted they continue to be. They learn a new virtue….hard work…….they round and round.Look into every tiny detail.Their hair start to fall,they seem to age a little!
But then every cloud has a silver lining…the week ends and their hard work pays off.They come off triumphant……they finally celebrate at Mcdonald’s ( to regain the calories they had lost)………………………………………
And obviously they live happily ever after (in their respective new rotations)! ! !